About AHG


Founded in 1995 in West Chester, Ohio, by a group of parents seeking a Christ-centered, scout-type program for their daughters, American Heritage Girls is one of the fastest growing youth programs in the country, having grown to nearly 1,000 troops in the 20 years since its founding.

Mission of American Heritage Girls

Building women of integrity through service
to God, family, community and country.

AHG Oath

I promise to Love God,
Cherish my family,
Honor my country
and Serve in my community.

Oath Song

AHG Creed

As an American Heritage Girl, I promise to be:

CompassionateUnderstanding others in fellowship, empathy, kindness, and caring. Respect others’ opinions and emotions.
HelpfulWillingly serve others.
HonestAlways tell the truth and keep my promise.
LoyalTrue to God, family, friends, community and country.
PerseverantContinuing to strive toward a goal despite obstacles.
PureKeep my mind and body pure.
ResourcefulWisely use my time, materials and talents.
RespectfulHonor my country, be obedient to those in authority and courteous to all.
ResponsibleAccountable for my own actions. Reliable in all situations.
ReverentFaithful and honoring to God. Respectful to the beliefs of others.

Creed Song